An Event to Remember

Fundraisers are a necessity for nearly all non-profits. Not only are the extra funds always needed but also they raise awareness of the organization and our mission. But coming up for unique ideas for fundraisers is a challenge and we’re constantly looking for something unique and fun. Well luckily a great idea landed in our lap, thanks to our volunteer Sasha.

Sasha Fiierce has been volunteering with The Ranch for about six months and we find her invaluable. She’s an incredible dog lover and has very good “dog sense”. Sasha is also a member of the trans community and was involved in drag performances in Kansas City before moving to Lakeside. She offered to get a group of her girlfriends together and do a drag show. Thus, the concept for Dogs and Divas was born.

Personally, I loved the idea but I was a bit nervous about how this would go over - I knew it could be a bit controversial. But after sounding out the idea with friends and Ranch volunteers, I received nothing but positive responses. Our faithful supporters Jack and Justo offered the use of their beautiful home and gardens and we were off and running.

At first we decided to limit tickets to 100, but those quickly sold out so we printed 50 more. Those also sold out! The day of the event turned out perfect. It was a perfect warm May evening. Our performers worked together to transform into celebrity look alikes. We had Cher, Celine Dion, Adele and Tina Turner perform. We even had an appearance from Lady Liberty.

What a fun evening! The crowd really enjoyed all the acts and couldn’t help but dance along with the performers. Many told us it was the best fundraiser they’d attended in Lakeside!

Our thanks to this amazing and accepting community who made this evening such a success. We raised 88,000 pesos which we’re using to replace some of our old crates and do some needed repairs. And for those of you who were unable to score tickets, please be on the lookout for an encore performance this fall!


Volunteer of the Month


We Did It