Your generous donation goes directly towards the care of our dogs.
How you can help.
Donate Items or Money
Memorial Gifts
Planned Giving
Provide a Foster home
A few hours a week (or month) for socializing dogs, cleaning, grooming
Playing with dogs
Foster Care
Special Events
We are in need of these donated items.
Dog Food
Puppy Food
Slip Leads
Old Towels
Cleaning Supplies (Bleach, Fabulous, Liquid Dish Detergent)
Paper towels
Pee pads
Dog Houses
Items for our bi-annual fundraising garage sale
Giving that lasts beyond a lifetime.
Donations are made on behalf of a pet that has passed away. Proceeds are used to provide humane shelter and animal care for neglected animals.
The The Lakeside Spay and Neuter Center, A.C. Memorial program helps individuals with the loss of a beloved pet by honoring the life of their best friend.
Your loving pets will be featured on our website with their photo and also a few words in remembrance of your pet.
Email us your memorial with a photo and we will send you an invoice.
For estate planning information email us here.
Recurring donations.
It is important for The Ranch to have a steady flow of income to cover monthly expenses, so we would really appreciate it if you could make a small monthly pledge to help support our efforts. You can set up automatic month payments to help us through PayPal.
You can use your American or Canadian credit card, but recurring monthly payments require that you have an established PayPal account. If you don't already have a PayPal account, the good news is that PayPal accounts are free and secure and take only a few minutes to set up.
Don't worry. You can easily alter or cancel your monthly donation at any time. Any amount you can spare helps the dogs tremendously.