Volunteer of the Month

by Syd Sullins
Sisters Rosemary and Sandy moved to Lakeside about a year ago. Very soon after their arrival, they asked me about volunteering at The Ranch. They came over for several months, but soon realized that the day-to-day Ranch chores weren’t their thing but they still wanted to help. They asked about going on our soup rotation. Of course we said yes!

We had two volunteers, Gary and Ronni, who made soup for the dogs each week but this is a big job and I know Gary and Ronni appreciated the help. Every day, we try to give each dog a ladle of soup on their kibbles. If you doubt how much the dogs enjoy this, just be present at The Ranch on a day when we happen to NOT have soup. Most of the dogs look at us with an expression that seems to say “What?????"

Well Rosemary and Sandy jumped right into this routine. Twice a week they provide us with a couple of buckets of soup and it definitely gets a big “paws up” from all our dogs. They have shared their recipe with us: 6 kilos of chicken, 5 kilos of broth. They boil this mixture till tender and add 5 frozen bags of green beans, peas and carrots and five bags of rice. All of this is simmered on their stove for hours with much love.

All of us at The Ranch, as well as the 100 plus dogs we have now, appreciate all our soup makers. There are so many ways to help these dogs and we have volunteer opportunities for almost everyone!

Thank you so much ladies for your dedication to our organization and our much loved dogs!


Dog of the Month


An Event to Remember