We Love Our Vets
by Carolyn Cothran
We have remarkable support from our staff, our volunteers and our community. I am forever amazed and surprised by the love, commitment and support all of these groups give to our dogs every single day.
We also have veterinary support by many of our wonderful vets in town. Most recently, we have had two very special women vets caring for our dogs. Dra. Laura Medina Gomez and Dra. Alma Terese Ochoa come out to The Ranch two days a week and help us provide loving and skilled care for our precious pups.
They provide sterilization, teeth cleaning, and any other care our dogs need. This makes the whole experience so much easier on the dogs. Instead of having to put them in a crate and drive them to town and then pick them up the next day, we can provide treatment and get them back in their familiar surroundings much more quickly.
We can set up tables in which to do surgeries, we have an infirmary and a great stash of the more typical medicines that are used.
We adore our beautiful and talented doctors and are super grateful for all they do for us.